Make Your Message
Your Mission

Aware Story Coaching 

with Lisa Garr
Host of The Aware Show

When You Are Looking For A Guiding Hand

Projects tied to your passion require more focused attention on accountability to help you achieve your goals and put your purpose into action.

Lisa’s coaching series will walk you through step-by-step and side-by-side coaching process to help you deepen your purpose and service to the world while utilizing her 20+ years of experience helping guests to pull out their most engaging stories, on The Aware Show, and a vast array of resources to help you create steps to success.

Lisa will help you brainstorm and keep focused on integrating your story into your essential work by helping you vision and plan how your message and energy can be of service to those you are looking for your guidance.

When you need help creating a way to launch your message to the world, one-on-one coaching with Lisa Garr is the boost you need to drive your projects home. Together we can make your message your mission!

See Lisa’s coaching options below!

“I recently invited Lisa to work with my Yes to Success community and honestly, she is a story whisperer like no other.  I saw her right before my eyes help several people transform their old (and honestly kind of stale and boring) stories into fresh new ones filled with wisdom and inspiration. It was magical. From the feedback I received, those people—and everyone who witnessed the transformation—were blown away.  Awakening to your true story is a liberating experience and can absolutely help you realize who you really are.  Lisa’s gentle and brilliant guidance can bring you to that awakening.”   

- Debra Poneman, Founder and CEO of Yes to Success Seminars

See What My Clients Are Doing
See What My Clients Are Doing

Coaching With Lisa Garr

Story Coaching

This 90 minute session will have you working directly with Lisa in an intensive exploration of your life, bringing you to your current moment. See your experience through new eyes and create a coherent message that will instantly have you relating to and engaging your audience in a whole new way.

You will use Lisa’s proprietary Story Graph to organize your talking points and record a practice session that you can go back and study so that you can polish your story telling skills to a refined and exciting presentation. 

90 minute sessions

$497.00 (Reg. $547)

Coaching Packages

1 hour sessions
10 sessions $3,470.00 or 
5 sessions $1,985.00

Work with a dedicated partner and support system to help you achieve your goals and get your message out to the world. Work with a seasoned and accomplished Personal Development expert and Conscious Media leader and bring your message to your audience.

Extended Story Coaching

Our stories are always evolving and our skill at sharing our stories evolve over time. Work with Lisa to fine tune your story and optimize it for it’s most effective impact. 

Podcast Coaching

Are you starting your own podcast? Do you want to build on your interviewing skills for your existing podcast or show? Work with a veteran interviewer with over 20 years experience in pulling engaging stories from guest after guest.

Program/Project Coaching

Are you starting a new project and feeling like you don’t have a handle on it? Work with a multi-entrepreneurial business woman to help you organize your intentions and reach your goals.

Deepening your purpose driven life

Your story is your life. When it comes to finding your purpose our stories often hold the answers we seek. Dig deeper with Lisa to see your story from new perspectives and discover passions you may not have know are in you with extended sessions.

Get to Know Lisa Garr

In her bestselling book, Becoming Aware: How to Repattern Your Brain and Revitalize your Life (Hay House) Lisa Garr shares the powerful story of the day that began as she pedaled towards first place in the California State Championship Mountain bike race and ended in tragedy as she was airlifted away near death and spent months recovering from her traumatic brain injury and loss of speech—and how through that experience Lisa found her own voice and became a voice of change for the world.

Lisa Garr is the host and creator of The Aware Show, a transformational radio show about natural health, cutting-edge science, personal growth and spirituality since 1999. On a mission to bring practical awareness to everyday life, Lisa hosts The Aware Show on Free Speech TV Reaching millions of U.S. television households and The Aware Show podcast with over 12,000 downloads a month. In the Los Angeles market, listeners hear Lisa on KPFK-90.7 FM and in New York on WBAI 99.5 FM. She is a regular weekend host on Coast to Coast AM, syndicated on over 600 stations around the world and her current series on Gaia TV is called "Inspirations on Gaia.”

To watch Lisa and more transformational media on the Gaia network, visit her at


Lisa Garr is a master storyteller and she skillfully shows us how to share our own stories in a heartfelt and relatable way. When I first met Lisa, I struggled to find my voice and share my own story. I was amazed at how quickly Lisa got to the core of my message. Lisa gave me the tools and confidence to share my story with the world. I am eternally grateful for her expertise, warmth and patience. 

– Judi Miller, best-selling author of Perfect: A Path to Love, Forgiveness and Transformation

Lisa’s sweet gentle energy helped me relax and I felt like I was talking to an old friend. Working with her has given me a clear perspective to help overcome self-doubt to continue the journey forward with sharing my story. I highly recommend Lisa Garr to anyone who is ready to appreciate their uniqueness. 

– Marti Hubbard, Angelic Healing Practitioner

One of the most valuable aspects of working with Lisa was her ability to simplify the writing process. Lisa casually dropped a hint that turned out to be a game-changer for me. It was a small comment, but its impact was profound. It brought light to a hidden pattern that had been holding me back, because I was not truly aware of it. I am incredibly grateful to have booked that session and discovered that pivotal moment of insight.

– Kristen Wilhelm

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